Transform Your WordPressSite Into a Marketing Machine

Instantly publish beautiful, conversion optimized and 100% editable opt-in pages, sales pages, webinar registrations pages and countless other landing pages on your site.

Discover the Fastest Way to:

Publish conversion-optimized landing pages

Build your mailing list

Create awesome marketing pages & content

They Say About It...

Anna Smith

CEO My Company

“ I have had nothing but the best experience imaginable with this tool since I purchased it. This is by far one of, if not the best plug-in I have purchased to date and it has definitely made working with WordPress a whole new experience.”

John Dawson

CEO My Company

“ I have had nothing but the best experience imaginable with this tool since I purchased it. This is by far one of, if not the best plug-in I have purchased to date and it has definitely made working with WordPress a whole new experience.”

Use Our Landing Page Sets to Create Your Marketing Funnels

what is a landing page set?

As you'll see in the gallery below, we don't just give you a random collection of templates and leave you to it. With Thrive Landing Pages, you get sets of templates that work together logically and all use the same, carefully conversion optimized design language.

This means you can create flawless, high-converting and extremely polished looking pages that take your visitors all the way from initial signup to purchase, product download and more.

If you purchase right now, you already get access to 185 templates. In addition we are constantly working on many new page templates that will be added to Thrive Landing Pages in the coming weeks and months.

What About Customization?

you may be wondering:

What if the page template isn't quite what I'm looking for? What if one of the pages or designs doesn't quite suit my needs? Which leads to some important questions:

Can I change the button/headline/bullet point/ whatever text?


Can I remove text, images or any other part of the landing page?


Can I change the background image or color?


Can I change the color of links, buttons, text etc?


Can I choose my own fonts?


Can I use my own images?


Can I change the size of the content area?


Can I change the order of elements on the page?


Can I translate everything on the page into a different language?


Can I add any kind of custom content anywhere inside any of the pages?


You see where this is going: the answer to your customization question is "yes".

With our templates you are never locked into the design we create. Everything is editable, down to the smallest details. There is nothing standing between you and 100% creative freedom.

Click-to-Edit, Drag and Drop:
Enjoy a User Interface Built for People, Not Machines.

Click-to-edit anything directly on the page. Move any element with a simple drag and drop system.

There are no extra layers of abstraction, no need to mess with HTML code, no complicated options and endless menu settings.

Welcome to the Most Intuitive Editor You've Ever Used.

And the best part:

 the editor isn't limited to just working in Thrive Landing Pages - you can use it to create your blog posts, build marketing pages, sales pages and more, right within the content area of whichever WordPress theme you are using.

Why "Slow" Will Slowly Kill Your Business

Perhaps the most important thing about our editor is how fast it is to work with. Why is that so important? Because speed isn't just about convenience.

Sure, it's nice to be able to build a custom landing page from scratch in 15 minutes instead of 3 hours. And you can do that with Thrive Landing Pages. But it doesn't just mean that you'll be wasting less of your valuable time.

It also means that you'll be doing more to drive your business forward. If you're working with a slow, clunky editor, you will unconsciously try to avoid using it as much as possible. No one wants to suffer.

So instead of building that new page that could add more people to your mailing list, you'll find something else to do. Instead of making some changes to your sales page that could double your conversions, you'll tinker with some other part of your business...

There's no escaping it: Speed Matters!

That's why our editor is built to be super fast and intuitive to use... and our code is lean and fast as well. The pages you build with Thrive Landing Pages are light and nimble, which means they load quickly and convert more.

Don't settle for a sluggish solution. If you do, it will cost you more than just time.

Build Your Highest Converting Content Yet, Using These Content Elements:




Background Section

Column Layout

Click to Tweet

Social Share

Disqus Comments

Facebook Comments

Custom Menu


Fill Counter

Progress Bar

Full Scalable (Retina) Icons

Post Grid

Star Rating



Responsive Video Embed

Table of Contents

Google Maps

WordPress Content

Data Tables


As you can see, there is a huge array of content elements that you can use to edit landing pages, create your own

landing page templates and more. And of course, you can also use all of these elements to create content within your

WordPress theme.

Finally Enjoy Creating Content Again!

All features aside, Thrive Architect provides something that goes beyond mere technology: it brings back the joy to creating content.

There's something thrilling about writing content right on your website, with no layers of abstraction in your way. Everything is instantaneous and aren't spending time struggling with technology and wading through menus.

Having a fast editor doesn't only save time, also frees up your attention. Instead of being constantly distracted by technical steps in the editing process, you can focus purely on building exactly the kind of content you want to see on your website.

There's no other way to say it: creating content is just more fun, when you use this plugin!

Get Your Copy Today:




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1 year full of support




Unlimited Free Updates

Install on 5 websites

1 year full of support




Unlimited Free Updates

Install on 1 website

1 year full of support

Julie Andrews

CEO My Company

“ I have had nothing but the best experience imaginable with this tool since I purchased it. This is by far one of, if not the best plug-in I have purchased to date and it has definitely made working with WordPress a whole new experience.”

Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If, for any reason, you don't like this amazing plugin, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Thrive Leads made for? Do I need it?

Who is Thrive Leads made for? Do I need it?

Will this work with my Wodrpress theme?

Is this plugin beginner friendly or is it complicated to use?

What happens if I need support after more than one year?

Select Content Template