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I deleted so many of my plugins because Thrive Suite replaced them all

I have been using WordPress for over 15 years and know how to use the heavy hitter themes like Genesis, but this is still my favorite tool because I honestly don't have time to keep up with all the changes and updates that the other themes require. 

If you are wanting to save yourself from the headache of those tools and learning new tools every time, then Thrive Suite is right up your alley.

Venus Franklin

Wow what a difference!

I found Thrive after searching/testing quiz builder plugins-- finally switched after my site broke for the 5 time from updates of Elementor & updates of the Astra starter themes---- Right now I'm using Thrive Architect the most, but planning on building out a robust site using your other plug-ins YES!!!!

Sarah Jones

I only wish I had found it sooner

There was always a technical problem with the last theme I was using. Thrive is really easy to use especially to adapt your webpage to a different format between mobile, desktop and tablet. The most useful plugin so far was the Quiz one. I bought Thrive Suite because of that awesome plugin but I look forward to trying all the others. I would definitely recommend Thrive Suite!

Moses Carlson

Being able to implement a new idea quickly is critical to your success

 I was unable to find something that was as well-made as Thrive Ultimatum. True scarcity has given me the ability to maintain control of my limited time offers by knowing that the system cannot be cheated, and this has consistently increased conversions because people hate missing out on my special offers...true scarcity makes people take action! 

Brock Lane