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Testimonials Area Block 02


What They Say about the Book

“Ask your readers what they found most interesting about

 the book.”

Julie Foucher

“Ask them why they hesitated to sign up (it will show common objections.)”

Tobias Hardy



What They Say about the Book

“Ask your readers what they found most interesting about

 the book.”

Julie Foucher

“Ask them why they hesitated to sign up (it will show common objections.)”

Tobias Hardy


What’s Inside the Book?

Cool Topic 1

Write here about the most important idea you cover in the book and use curiosity to spark your visitors’ interest.

Cool Topic 2

A good way to create curiosity is to tell what they’ll get, but not how. 

Cool Topic 3

Ready to discover how to engage your remote team and make them 140% more productive? In chapter 3 we’ll cover the “Rainbow & Gold” method that will allow you to de exactly that.